Cross the Decluttering Finish Line For Good

We provide coaching services so you can conquer your clutter and create a plan to maintain it.

Hello Friend!
I am Michelle” Home Coach” Hoff
Take a listen.


You do AMAZING things in your work and for your family but home is chaotic; filled with too much stuff. You have tried(!!) but can’t get the wheels on the decluttering bus moving! UGH!!


As an ICF certified trained life coach and an EMPATH, with loving COMPASSION, I help busy humans get CLEAR-Access your brilliance, values and vision. To COMMIT to manageable systems and confidently CONQUER clutter so you can live in a home YOU are proud of!

Click the button below to schedule your free 30-minute Discovery Call to see if we are a good fit.

Compassionate Decluttering

A loving, butt-kicking, step-by-step journey to take control of your clutter to create a loved and functional home.

Build decluttering skills

Classes and events

Me. Helping you.

Client Testimonial

Michelle let me be (and applauded me for being) exactly who I am. Through compassion, encouragement and active listening, she took it all in and with grit and determination helped me transform a room. The space became exactly what I needed. So grateful for Michelle and her wisdom,  I recommend her to anyone in need of her services.
— Heather